7th annual international meeting CariCam announces 2008 conference agenda
Released on: October 9, 2008, 11:32 am
Press Release Author: Marcelo Toledo, Informa Telecoms & Media
Industry: Telecommunications
Press Release Summary: Cancun, Mexico - October 9, 2008 - The 7th Annual International Meeting CariCam Mobile announces its agenda and topics for the upcoming summit taking place this November 17-19, 2008 in Cancun, Mexico. www.caricammobile.com.br
Press Release Body: 2008 marks the 7th annual meeting since the CariCam Mobile was launched over 7 years ago by Informa Telecoms & Media. Since that time the conference has grown significantly year after year bringing together some of the most remarkable carriers, regulators, manufactures, service providers and handset distributors of the telecoms industry. The event is recognized as an open forum to increase understanding of the commercial and technical challenges and opportunities to run successful wire line and wireless operations in the Caribbean & Central America region.
This year's CariCam Mobile will have industry leaders discussing the latest trends in service adoption and new revenue drivers, the deployment of new disruptive technologies, business opportunities for next-generation mobile messaging & VAS, strategies for FMC & triple play services, besides the regional perspectives of the legal and regulatory environment.
Besides the conference sidelines, there will be two workshops to address macro and strategic issues: the first session will be led by Stela Bakun from Pyramid Research, providing key information on the opportunities unfolding in the most dynamic Caribbean countries - The Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Cuba, The Cayman Islands and Bermuda.
Conducted by Jose F. Otero from Signals Telecom Consulting, the second workshop will give executives a broader understanding about the business aspects of applications, services and operations involving Wimax, besides the analysis of the key points concerning IPTV deployment and its potential impact on business.
Other topics at this year's summit include: investment plans for the development of new voice and data services, enhancing 3G networks capabilities to provide mobile broadband services, overcoming technical and device barriers to deliver mobile entertainment, challenges to market entry for new operators, mobile advertising & marketing, increasing ARPU and reducing costs through managed services, building the portfolio of a multi-services provider and the challenges of international roaming.
Some of this year's speakers include Celedonio von Wuthenau from CDMA Development group, John Thompson from National ICT Centre of Trinidad and Tobago, Alfonso Perez-Soto from Warner Music LA, Jan Lattunen from SmartTrust, Julian Wilkins from Digicel group, Terence Reis from Mobile Marketing Association, Randy Waters form Comverse and many, many more.
The 2008 CariCam Mobile edition is organized by Informa Telecoms & Media, with the support of Canto, MMA, 3G Americas, GSA and TMIA. Ericsson is the platinum sponsor. The gold sponsor is Amdocs and SmartTrust is the silver sponsor. Other sponsors include: Comverse, Tekelec, IMImobile, Belgacom, Airweb and Scorecard Systems. www.caricammobile.com.br.
Web Site: http://www.caricammobile.com.br
Contact Details: CariCam Mobile 2008 November 17 - 19, 2008 Hyatt Cancun Caribe Resort, Mexico Organized by Informa Telecoms & Media Further info: +55-11-3017-6888 or ibc@ibcbrasil.com.br
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